
A digital detox vacation means either giving up or limiting your use of technology while you’re away. Many resorts around the world cater to this type of tech-free vacation to encourage visitors to truly relax. Not sure if you could use a digital detox trip? Here are some reasons you might want to consider it.

To de-stress

It can be almost impossible to feel genuinely relaxed in today’s tech-focused world. With phones and laptops so close at hand, and work emails so easy to check long after we leave the office, how does one truly unwind? A digital detox vacation forces you to leave work behind and really relax without part of you ready to grab your phone every time it vibrates. Without access to your gadgets, or even the internet access needed to use them, there’s nothing to do but sit back and unwind.

To fully appreciate where you are

We only get so much vacation time so it’s important to take advantage of the time we have to get away. But you can’t take advantage of that gorgeous beach or that quaint town in the south of France if you’re attached to your smartphone. Whether you go somewhere without TV and internet, or put a ban on gadget use during your trip, taking a break from technology will make sure you enjoy every minute of your vacation.

So you won’t miss out

Posting something to Instagram or scrolling through Facebook to see how many “likes” your post of the Eiffel Tower got will mean you’re missing out on what’s going on around you. Technology distracts us from actually seeing the beauty around us, whether it’s a temple in Chiang Mai or street performer in Chicago. Let go of your gadgets so you won’t miss out on any unforgettable travel moments. We promise the “likes” will still be there later.

To re-energize

Our addiction to technology can be draining and suck up more energy than we even realize. By taking some time to vacation without the pull of technology or even being able to check in with what’s going on in the world, your head won’t be buzzing with so much useless information. Yes, being in the loop on an important project is important, but do you really need to know what people are doing on Facebook, or read yet another silly forward from your cousin? Create more “you” time by taking a vacation that’s free of technology.

More time for yourself

Having time for yourself can be hard to find, especially when every day feels like a blur of responsibilities. But going on vacation is supposed to relieve us of those to-dos and allow us to really focus on ourselves and have fun. A digital detox vacation can really go a long way toward making sure vacation time is spent on personal fulfillment.

(Main image: Eric Molina)

About the author

Jessica PadykulaJessica Padykula is a Toronto-based writer and editor who regularly covers travel and lifestyle trends. When she’s not writing or researching a story she can be found planning trips to places near and far in a never-ending quest to travel the world.

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