
No matter what stage you’re at in your relationship, travel can have many benefits. From revving up the romance to helping you learn more about each other, taking a trip together can have a positive effect on your relationship. Here are five reasons to travel as a couple.

It will bring you closer

One of the best ways to boost your bond as a couple is to take a trip together, whether it’s a beachside hideaway, an urban escape or an extended European getaway. The whole process of planning and booking a vacation is something you do together, as a team, from researching hotels to comparing flight fares. This helps keep you connected before you even board the plane. Once you arrive, you get to experience a new place together and create memories that will help ensure your relationship stays strong.

You’ll learn about each other

Relationships can sometimes get to a point where you feel like you know all there is to know about each other. But travel brings out different sides of people and will likely show you that there are always new things to learn about the person you’re with. You might find out your spouse or partner is more adventurous than you ever thought, or that they are actually capable of relaxing despite their type-A, always-on personality at home.

It will shake up your routine

It can be easy to get into a relationship rut or stuck in a routine. Going somewhere totally new, even if it’s just a weekend getaway to a city you’ve never been to, can instantly bust the boredom and breathe new life into your relationship. Being able to explore new neighbourhoods, eat at different restaurants and simply experience new things together will inspire you to shake up your routine at home.

It can bring back the romance

If romance has been a little lacklustre lately, reignite the spark by going away together. Sometimes all you need to bring romance back into your life is the time and space to do it. Being somewhere where there are no responsibilities, no chores and no work meetings to worry about can make it much easier to just focus on each other and be in the moment – both necessary ingredients for romance.

It’s an adventure

When was the last time you and your partner did something truly spontaneous, or that felt like an adventure? If you can’t remember, or the details are hazy, a vacation might be just the thing you need to bring a sense of adventure into your relationship. Take that surfing class, hike that mountain or even try that new type of food you’d never think to sample at home. The more adventurous you are while away, the more you’ll want to keep things interesting at home.

(Main image: Global Jet)

About the author

Jessica PadykulaJessica Padykula is a Toronto-based writer and editor who regularly covers travel and lifestyle trends. When she’s not writing or researching a story she can be found planning trips to places near and far in a never-ending quest to travel the world.

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