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Whether you already know where and when you want to travel, or can be a bit flexible and are seeking some inspiration, Cheapflights is the perfect place to search for and plan the best trip. The Cheapflights Newsletter is also a great way to keep up with handpicked deals and vacation packages, delivered right to your inbox.
WOW air
Founded by Skúli Mogensen in 2011, WOW air is a budget, long-haul airline based in Iceland which operated its...
Top 10 airport eateries for getting a taste of local flavour
Gone are the days when your only option for grabbing a bite at the airport was greasy fast food....
Top 10 booze-infused getaways
Vacations are all about letting loose, so it’s no surprise that more and more travellers are opting for locations...
Top 10 Oscar-worthy filming locations of the year
In addition to fame and fortune, Hollywood’s biggest stars also have the opportunity to travel to impressive hot spots...
Top 10 iconic Christmas trees and their roots
Every year, millions of people around the world brave the cold and the crowds to see the lighting ceremony...
Top 11 inventive uses of retired planes
Planes are marvels of human invention – they’ve made our world smaller and more accessible – but have you...
Top 10 quirky hotels
Tired of staying in typical, traditional hotels – the kind with large lobbies and hundreds of identical rooms? Then...
Top 10 layover airports
Stuck for hours between flights? It's not all that bad at these entertaining hubs.
Top 10 Father’s Day travel gadgets
Finding a Father’s Day gift doesn’t have to mean settling on the typical, tired choices of golf clubs and...